Journey to the end of hell with vaccines and the use of fetuses sold

We had recently discovered with sadness the corruption of a certain science carried by financialized media. But we were far from assuming the millionth of what is revealed below. Two cases, each presenting vital interests, collide. 
On the one hand, these are the ingredients that make up the vaccines injected into millions of people, and in theory the whole planet in the fight against Covid-19. We will not discuss here the vaccine in question, but we will seek to get to know what crumples anti-vaccines. 
We discover in these 12 videos the content of an interrogation which takes place within the framework of a trial which divides a Matheson-Schmitt couple. The interest of these videos is that their information comes from the absolute reference of the vaccine, and this for decades. 
Mr. Stanley Plotkin is this "scientist" who puts his knowledge at the disposal of all the firms and laboratories which count in the field. We are discovering major shortcomings in the vaccine creation-validation-manufacturing processes. Major risks are borne by the recipients of these insufficiently tested and validated products. 
We also discover that disabled children may have been used to develop Big Pharma's poisons. But the ultimate in abomination is found in the ingredients in these vaccines. 
We find there a jumble of fetal tissue, human DNA, aluminum capable of crossing the brain and causing autism. M Plotkin, who seems to descend in a straight line from the Nazis, reveals the secrets of his knowledge more diabolical than scientific while being confusing with kindness and transparency. 
Kind of liberating confession perhaps? Regardless, forget what I write and listen to this gentleman. You will want to alert your loved ones and out of humanism all of the future victims of the barbarians. 
The monstrosity of the gentleman and the system he represents should not make us forget our second piece of information which we cannot help putting into perspective the above. 
This is the scandal that rocked the International Planned Parenthood Federation. A report was released a few years ago by the United States Senate Judiciary Committee. An official report of 500 pages which, on the basis of internal documents, contracts and invoices of Family Planning, shows how much trafficking in fetal organs was lucrative. 
The report thus details the 'sale price' of different bodies and reveals other sordid details. He underlines the role of the “protagonists who participated in this trafficking in human tissue. 
In addition to the hundreds or even thousands of professionals who were involved in commercial transactions, there are companies linked to family planning by contracts, but also numerous abortion clinics. "
 At a time when Mr. Bill Gates is mobilizing with his billions the international community to impose on humanity a vaccine quickly made whose effects are unknown, it is essential to view the words of this extraordinary scientist. 


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