10 Benefits of Wireless Routers For Your Home [2021]


Wireless routers are the lifeblood of any home. They define your internet connection and help to keep you connected with everyone else in this digital world. But what if I told you that there were more benefits to wireless routers than just being able to connect to the internet from anywhere? What if I told you that they could save you money, protect your privacy, and even make your WiFi faster? Would these things convince you to ditch those pesky Ethernet cables for good? Let’s find out what all the fuss is about!

1. Saving Money on Internet Costs

The average American family spends $60 a month on their cable or DSL bill simply to have a working internet connection. This amount will only go up as time goes by too, so it’s a good idea to look into getting the most out of your wireless router. There is a simple way to do this as well, simply purchase an internet plan which is higher than what you actually need! Yes, that’s right. You can spend $50 on a 25 Mbps plan when all you really need is 5 Mbps ($10 for 10 Mbps) and pocket the extra cash. You can even use your neighbor’s Wi-Fi signal if they are willing to share!

2. Wireless Routers create a faster and more reliable home network.

When you use a router to connect your various devices together, you immediately boost the speed of your internet connection — Most routers can cut down Wi-Fi dead zones and ensure that data is transmitted through the shortest distance between devices and the router. W onder why Ethernet cables are still used in some homes? It’s because they create a more stable and reliable connection than wireless routers!

3. Prevents the illegal use of your Internet Connection.

If you’re anything like me, then you use your smartphone as a hotspot while out and about and connect to that instead of using up your precious mobile data. While doing this is a great way to save money, you should be aware that it can also lead to legal problems if the owner of the wireless router whose connection you are using catches you in the act. This is because by not being connected directly to your own router, you reduce the speed and general performance of your network.

4. You can secure any wireless router from hackers.

You may have heard of the term “WPS” before, which stands for Wi-Fi Protected Setup and is a function built into almost every wireless router nowadays. The problem with this function is that it is incredibly easy for hackers to break the system and gain access to your network, even if you have WEP or WPA enabled! Luckily, there are apps like ” Reaver Pro” which can hack into your wireless router in no time at all (it’s free too). By disabling this function, you can ensure that hackers will not be able to access your network without a lot of hard work.

5. Wireless routers are easy to install and setup

No need to unpack your old console, hook up all the wires and configure it from scratch. All you have to do is open the box, plug in a few cables, connect it with your modem(or vice-versa) and you’re all set! All modern wireless routers come with a set of easy to follow instructions so you can get it done in no time.

6. Every new game console is equipped with Wi-Fi

This is probably one of the biggest reasons people connect their old consoles to their Internet without first checking whether they even support Wi-Fi! Ever since the PS4 and Xbox One launched, not installing wireless functionality has become a huge faux-pas. The best part is that all modern game consoles are equipped with top of the line Wi-Fi chipsets which ensure you always get the fastest speeds regardless of where your console is located in your home.

7. You can create guest networks to share files and folders with friends and family.

One of the great things about using a wireless router is the ability to create guest networks which you can use to share files with your friends, even if they aren’t connected directly to your router! This means that you don’t have to worry about them downloading large amounts of data in order for both of you to access it later. In addition to this, you also get the ability to defend your network from unknown users with a password.

8. Fixes dead zones and improves range without buying a new router

As we mentioned earlier, routers can be a life saver when it comes to eliminating Wi-Fi dead zones in your home or office. There are a few steps you can take before replacing your entire network however; you should notice that the antennas on the router are adjustable, so make sure they point outwards (if possible) and up towards the ceiling. Another thing you can try is to move them away from metal surfaces which may interfere with the signal. Also consider buying a range extender if you still have problems after trying the above.

9. Stop ISPs from screwing you over with “data caps” and monthly fee’s.

Ever since wireless routers became a common household item, there has been an ongoing battle between ISPs and customers as to how much data they can use before being charged extra money every month. As it turns out, there are still many ISPs who charge their customers for overuse, even if the current laws prevent them from placing a limit on how much data you can use! By connecting your consoles and computers to your wireless router instead of directly to the modem/router combo unit, you can monitor exactly how much data each connected device uses. This way, if someone is downloading a large file in the background you can just cut their connection until they’re done.

10. Easily stream multimedia throughout your house without buying a PS3 or Xbox 360

While streaming content to your console is pretty much the same thing as streaming from your PC, there are certain exclusive features that set consoles apart from computers when it comes to multimedia streaming. On your PS3 or Xbox 360 consoles, you can use the “Homegroup” function to easily connect and share digital multimedia with other users within your network including music, videos and photos.


After reading the above, you should have a pretty good idea on whether or not your device supports wireless connectivity. In addition to adding functionality and convenience to your gaming experience, connecting wirelessly allows you to make use of routers features such as restricting user access and creating guest networks in order to stop ISP’s from screwing you over!

Of course, we could go on and on about the benefits of wireless routers, but we’ll leave that for another article since it’s already getting pretty long. If you have any questions or comments regarding what was mentioned above, feel free to post them in the comment section below!


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