Free Business Cards? Are they really free?

In a determined effort to win your business, many companies will supply you with a limited number of free business cards however, you would normally be expected to pay the postage costs, (which is fair enough), and also display the supplying company's details on the reverse of the card (which may not prove ideal for many users). In many cases the quality of card used leaves much to be desired. It's the usual maxim, you get what you pay for, or don't pay for in this instance.

Why are they free?

Well, you may have noticed before arriving here the fierce competition between business card suppliers online. Every man and his dog are vying for your business. If it means giving away a few cheap cards to achieve that, then they will have done their job. 

Very few people exist on just business cards alone and the free business card companies are hoping that once you have become a 'client' that you will enquire about your other print requirements:- letterheads, flyers, brochures, folders etc. The free business cards are just a loss-leader.

Many people will jump around from supplier to supplier, constantly striving to get the best possible price. In the print trade, this isn't always such a good idea.

I'm just starting a new company. Should I use free business cards?

Well, this depends on the image you wish to portray and the type of business you are in. If you feel comfortable handing your card to a prospective client, and it has 'supplied by [the free business card company name and details] on the reverse, then no problem. However, if like the majority of start-up businesses you are intending to promote a professional image then maybe you should be thinking of going the normal route for your cards.

Where many of the free business card companies let themselves down is the quality of card used. Quite frankly, we've seen some horrendous examples of poorly-printed, badly-cut, thin cards that are doing the rounds. We've had situations where people have walked into our office, armed with their free printed business cards who have stated they will never use them again, and can we basically put the artwork right for them and 'do a proper job'.

Now, we're not saying that all free business cards are the same, but we've yet to see evidence to the contrary. We're sure by now someone must have realized how damaging these poor-quality cards are to their business? Who knows?

Does Your Business Have a Personal Business Card? If Not Our Online Logo Designer Will Give you a Professional Business Card at affordable Prices. Get Your Business Card Now.

Are you saying don't touch free business cards?

No, not at all. As stated earlier, these cards will have uses for certain people but certainly not the majority. If you're expecting to receive cards that are on a par with paid-for cards, then you may be sorely disappointed.

Note to webmasters of free business card sites.

If you operate a company offering free business cards, and disagree with any of the above observations then you are most welcome to have your site featured here (free) and, as part of your sales copy, mention what weight of card you use and anything else that might be of interest to the prospective 'client' that would allay their fears.

 If you're interested then please visit this link [here]. We get many visitors to these pages so, if your company has bucked the trend and is supplying good-quality cards (free) then a small feature here would certainly be of benefit to you. Let's see how many take us up on this offer. Should be interesting. (Edit: to date, nil).

Why don't you sell business cards here at business cards on the web?

This site is purely for helping people navigate their way through the sometimes complicated business of choosing the right supplier, at the right price and the things to look out for along the way. The problem with the internet, as with Yellow Pages, etc. is that there are many back-street printers promoting themselves as established top-notch companies hidden behind the facade of a browser. It's becoming more difficult to discover the right company that will grow with you and still be there in 10 years time. 

A company shouldn't have to worry about their print supplier being honest, reliable and quality-control minded but it's so easy these days to spend your money with a company that's operating out of a garage, and that gives the impression they are much larger and can cope with your print demands.

Ok, we all have to start somewhere, but if you are looking for a company that will respond immediately to your request, have a sensible quality control policy, offer fair pricing on your requirements and who you can deal with on a professional level, then it's worth making a few inquiries first. 

Ask any regular print buyer, and they will tell you the same - don't just buy on price only! The company you employ will have to deliver time after time. If there's hardly any profit in it for them, then eventually you will be let down.

If buying from an online supplier, it's worth making sure they have published bricks & mortar address (many don't!), at the very least a contact number (some don't!) and if you've been offered an unbelievable price, then yes, it may be worth snapping their hands off, but next time you come to order may be a different story, if they are still in business that is!

There's still a market for ordering your stationery through a 'regular' online site. One that doesn't offer free this, or free that but that gives you a fair price, backed with a great service and that has the ability to take your design and produce professional-looking printed products that you will be proud to send to your clients.


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