How to manage crises on social media in 2021


Looking for How to manage crises on social media in 2021? Why you should consider this matter seriously? Let's get started.

Social networks and the digital revolution have led to a radical change in communication and reputation management in companies.

Nowadays it is totally normal for companies, professionals, and administrations to have a presence on social networks and use these channels to carry out their activity: promote products, be in contact with customers, serve the public, etc.

But there are times when an unfortunate or misunderstood action (online or offline) can start a communication crisis for which we end up paying a high price in terms of credibility, reputation, respect, etc.

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To avoid an online reputation crisis, one must bear in mind that prevention is better than cure. Repairing the reputation of a person or a company is much more expensive in time and money than a proactive prevention strategy.

The first key is to monitor social media. Monitoring should be our alarm against possible communication or image crisis. Although this does not solve the problem, the sooner we are aware of it, the sooner we can solve it. In social networks, the propagation of a message is usually exponential, and the sooner we are in a position to act, the less damage we will have to alleviate.

This monitoring involves actively listening to social networks and all those social media in which our public moves.

Every crisis is different, but there is one rule that applies to all: stay calm. A run-over response deleting a comment or unpublishing a post can lead to a magnification of the damage.

Any company that uses social networks must have a procedure for dealing with crises. The responsibility of social networks should not fall solely on the communication department of the company and, in emergencies, the rest of the departments should be:

  • Communication Department: will channel the information to traditional media if necessary.
  • Customer Service Department, which will provide its experience in direct relationship with customers.
  • Legal Department, which will supervise the entire process and advise in the event that the company has any type of legal responsibility.
  • Any other department that can contribute to the assessment and resolution of the crisis, depending on what it is and what the company structure is: management, quality, operations, etc.

This action procedure must perform the following functions:

  • Analysis of the cause of the problem: what happened, why, when, etc.
  • Estimation of the scope, trying to assess how far the problem has spread (number of users, geographical location, sociodemographic classification, etc.) and its impact (both qualitative and quantitative).
  • Identification of genesis users: it is necessary to review who are the users who have originated the protest. If it is the case that these are influential figures in social networks, high-level contact will be necessary. In any case, all these users must be contacted once we have defined the solution and the message to communicate.
  • Proposal of solutions and compensation that serve to restore the relationship between our brand and our audience.
  • Specify a reply message: define the apology message and define how the compensation procedure will be made public. If we have made a mistake, we must ask for forgiveness in the most honest way, explaining what has happened, presenting solutions and compensation. And we will contact the users we identified in the previous phase to communicate these conclusions.


The different departments involved will implement the measures defined in the action plan. At the same time, we will monitor social networks to verify the effectiveness of the action plan applied and to turn off secondary sources that may arise when the primary ones are turned off. Later we will have to analyze everything that happened to improve the company's internal communication procedures and the crisis management protocol in social networks.


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